Slush Powder DVD Magic 101
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Slush Powder DVD Magic 101

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    Market price: $12.00, you save $4.00
  • $8.00
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Learn the Basic's of Sleight of Hand with Coins

DVD Instructional Series

Professional Tod Buchanan in Minutes!

Professional Magician Tod Buchanan teaches you how to use this powerful tool

'Slush Powder' in your magic. As a bonus Tod shows you how to turn a glass of water into SNOW!Make water just seem to vanish. Find a signed dollar bill in a cup of jello!Make colored silks appear from a cup of water.Effects Routined :

Mixing and Handling

Water to Silk Bill to Jello

Do as I do Water Surprise Silks

BONUS Insta Snow Shower!

    • Weight
      0.5 lbs
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