Klimax Kards by Brian Nordstrom

SKU: M01140
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  • $15.00
Market price: $20.00, save $5.00
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In stock(2 items available)


After having a card selected from a red deck the magician offers to find the selection in a different deck of cards, one with a blue back. Several unsuccessful attempts are made at cutting to the card in the blue deck. 

The magic then states that maybe someone in the audience could help and riffles the cards face-up asking a spectator to call stop at anytime. 

During this byplay the audience sees all the faces of a blue-backed pack. Unfortunately, these attempts are unsuccessful as well. 

Stating that he’ll just have to use some magic, the backs of the cards promptly change to red just like the other pack and then unbelievably the faces of the cards also change to none other than the selected card. 

Klimax Kards is easy to perform.