
Grand Illusions Part Two DVD

SKU: M08621
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Explore the rich, fascinating culture and history of magic through Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic Part 2. The next six episodes continue to take you inside the alluring and enchanted world of magic: from the kings of magic, the Blackstones, to the supreme innovators, the Maskelynes, from the legendary performers known as the Royal Dynasty to the women pioneers of today. Watch the sleight-of-hand artistry of DaiVernonand the mind-bending feats of the mentalists. Come backstage and see what’s behind the curtain!

This DVD is broken up into Six Episodes:

  • Part 1: The Blackstones-America’s first family of magic

  • Part 2: The Maskelyne Dynasty- Magic’s supreme innovators

  • Part 3: The Royal Dynasty- Harry Kellar, Howard Thurston, The Great Dante, Lee Grabel and Lance Burton

  • Part 4: DaiVernon-The greatest sleight-of-hand artist of the 20th Century

  • Part 5: Women Conjurers- From the pioneering greats to the headliners of today

  • Part 6: Mentalism- Magicians who perform tricks of superior mental ability

Approximate Running Time: 175 Minutes

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      0.5 lbs