In Action - Greg Wilson Volume 2

SKU: M1055
3   – Reward points
  • $35.00

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Greg is a two-time FISM award-winner with a number of best-selling instructional videos on the market. What you're about to experience is a wide array of hard-hitting routines directly from his professional repertoire. Segments of these DVDs are encore routines re-filmed from some of his best work over the last ten years. These are the definitive versions. Other segments are previously published material from the select pages of books, magazines and lecture notes that have never been on video. And the last segment is his closely guarded material that is being revealed for the very first time. They could have been titled “Gregory's Latest and Greatest.”

Volume 2


Kissing Up - If you must resort to using magic to meet women, this is it! Admittedly, Greg has used this successfully and shamelessly for many years.

Vanish 5000 - The contents of a sugar packet cleanly and cleverly vanish without a trace—and without a thumbtip! The author of Magic for Dummies praises this as the very best trick in his book!

Off Base - A broken and restored wine glass. Perfect for restaurant workers.

Flat-Out Monte - Greg's five-phased 3 Card Monte routine he's been using for over 20 years and chose to debut at the latest MAGIC Live! convention.

Vernon's Boat Trick - Performance only, in the freezing winter waters of Lake Tahoe. But well worth watching Wilson almost get hypothermia!


* Head Trip

* Coin thru Table / Credit Card thru Table

* Coin from Head

* Multi-Color Pen

* Blind Date

* Learner’s Permit to Thrill

* Recap

* Dishonest Abe

* Sticks and Stones (performance only)